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1/2 game now $250 cap.

Started by Aack Thbbbt, May 15, 2009, 04:08:01 PM

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Aack Thbbbt

 Went in this morning and found out that the bet cap in the 1/2 game has been lowered to $250 from the $500( all 1/2 games), guess that happened a day or two ago.
Game actually seemed better action( little looser/aggressive) wise, stack sizes were better than normal as well.


Is the 5/150 game dead yet?  I don't mind the $250 cap, especially if it means more 1/2 games.  They may have been holding the game back if it counted towards their table count for the $500 cap or whatever.


yeah, it seemed pretty dumb to run the game as 1/2 - 500 when there is a cap on the number of tables you can run with the $500.00 cap.  It should have always been a $250.00 cap.


Has anyone played in this yet?  I hit a pretty dry spell in no limit while I was in Iowa the last couple months and don't think I want to try this out for a while.  Anyone got any experiences to share about playing in it?

Aack Thbbbt

Each game is different, lots of newer players that from the 5-150 days.  Games are pretty TAG, occasionally the get a little loose.
Boring as heck sometimes.  Sometimes i think they need to do something to encourage action in these games.
1/2 blinds 4( or 5) to go maybe, or 2/4 blinds or 2/2/2  blinds : )