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***Official Grand Opening Thread***

Started by that_pope, April 12, 2010, 12:10:28 PM

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so where do you have to enter to find this covered parking


There continues to be issue with the electronic board system.
I dont understand this...proprietary software that is designed to manage a poker room, and it doesn't work, at least not very well. (service and chips seem to hardly work ever).  
The swipe/comp system still isn't working, how can this possibly be, how hard is it, this SHOULD work well...Seems to me they got ripped off on this purchase, if i were them, bring back the old system, it worked almost flawlessly( compared to this). isn't there a rep from the company around to resolve this?

Monitors that are to few, far to small for the space they are in, and has been mentioned, mounted to high up on the wall.  We've been told that the issues are being adressed, but honestly havent seen any change so to speak..more TV's?  ok, how long does it take.  

Lighting issues,  haven't seen anyone inspecting, positioning or changing anything to do with the lights though it does seem to have brightened up in a few spots throughout the room, really how long should that take to resolve?

Did they dry run any of this before they opened?


Quote from: clarkstar on April 26, 2010, 03:39:05 PM
so where do you have to enter to find this covered parking
take a left off of Indian Bend at the Casino Arizona sign...go down to just before the dirt parking lot and take a right, follow that new road all the way down. you cant miss the parking ramp ,its the only place you can go other than back the way you came.
Go up to the second level, park and go in the doors, poker room is 30 feet from the door on the right


Quote from: Apov on April 27, 2010, 02:17:29 AM
Quote from: clarkstar on April 26, 2010, 03:39:05 PM
so where do you have to enter to find this covered parking
take a left off of Indian Bend at the Casino Arizona sign...go down to just before the dirt parking lot and take a right, follow that new road all the way down. you cant miss the parking ramp ,its the only place you can go other than back the way you came.
Go up to the second level, park and go in the doors, poker room is 30 feet from the door on the right

ok i got it, thanks! i take back what i said about the parking, the garage is very nice once you find it.


a guy pointed out to me last night that the ac is coming out of the floor. if they put up some ceiling fans the heat problem would most likely go away, but coupled with the service board failure, the heat drives me nuts unless i have ice to chew.


credit where credit is due, Tuesday was much better for the board system, it was working well, seems they figured out how to adjust the delay time to virtually zero...several of the dealers stated that there had been  a delay of up  to a minute between when the button was pressed and when it actually appeared on a board.


alas the player tracking portion of the new system still inst working correctly, it is amazing that this software isn't working yet.
Also heard a rumor that the restaurant on the top level got shut down because they couldnt pass inspection...


i noticed last night...the occupancy sign on the left side column as you leave the poker room is printed on a piece of printer paper and stuck up with blue painters tape.

I hear people talking about them trying to attain 4 diamond status...but, they couldn't have signage made?

anyway, i was trying to figure out what is missing, and i thought....IF the poker tables weren't in the room, you would not know the room had anything to do with poker.
Put up some artwork,something to add character to the room and define its use somewhat.

They have a long "row to hoe"


They are using printer paper and blue tape for the bathroom signs as well... seems like a pretty easy thing to change.